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Why Is The Iteration Over This Loop Not Adding Cells In Openpyxl?

Given the following as the contents of the first sheet of an xlsx roi.xlsx: Then: wb = load_workbook('roi.xlsx', data_only=True) ws=wb.worksheets[0] keynames = [i.value for i in w

Solution 1:

I think the issue is that you are using the index of keynames to store in the B column, index starts at 0 , but column B does not have any 0 row. You should ideally be getting - openpyxl.utils.exceptions.CellCoordinatesException: There is no row 0 (B0)

Try this code instead (to start changing values at row 1,instead of 0) -

for k, v in mydict.items():
    keyPosition = keynames.index(k)
    ws.cell(row = keyPosition + 1, column = 2).value = v

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