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Conda Package Install [errno 13] Permission Denied While Installing Conda-forge::protobuf-3.8.0

I have a conda environment with Python 3.6 and something went wrong with my Pytorch installation so I tried to install it again. Towards the end of the installation I get this err

Solution 1:

I faced a similar error like this when I was trying to update/uninstall a python package(matplotlib) from my environment. The reason turned out to be that I had another python application which was running and had a matplotlib plot window open, so therefore since a process was accessing the package, it couldn't be deleted. When i closed all the python programs, I was able to upgrade the package without the permission error.

So moral of the story, if you trying to update/uninstall a package, make sure all your python scripts are not running.

Solution 2:

Thanks to this answer I found a solution that seems to have solved the problem:

sudo pip uninstall protobuf

Followed by

conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch

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