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Display Relevant Records From Many To Many In Django-tables2

OK, so I have an Item class that has a many-to-many attribute to User through a 'Roles' class. I am trying to create a django-table for the Items such that out of any of the roles

Solution 1:

You can get the request object from self.context. So if you only need request.user, that's one way to do it.

    roles = tables.Column(empty_values=())

    def render_roles(self):
        user = self.context["request"].user

Otherwise, @mariodev's solution works.

Solution 2:

It seems like there's no way of using auth user without some overriding.

You can override __init__ for our table class like this:

    def__init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.user = kwargs.pop('user', None)
        super(OwnedTable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

then, inside view, you call table with user argument, like so

table = OwnedTable(Person.objects.all(), user=request.user)

now you can use self.user inside render_roles method to refer to the currently logged in user.

Solution 3:

Another solution is shown on, which worked for me after some adjustments for my setup.

Given that a Person would have an M2M to Contacts, and you want to display all contacts for that Person in django-tables2, then the following would do:

    person_contacts = tables.Column(accessor="contacts", verbose_name="Contacts")

    defrender_person_contacts(self, value, table):
        clist = ""
        cfirst = True

        conts = list(value.all())

        for c in conts:
            ifnot cfirst:
                clist += "<br />"else:
                cfirst = Falseprint
            uri = reverse('cont_detail', kwargs={'pk':})
            clist += '<a href="' + uri + '">' + + '</a>' + ' (' + c.relation + ')'return mark_safe(clist)

You basically add a column with a non-existent name, set the accessor to the M2M field name, then call render_<newly_added_column> where you obtain what you need from value.

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