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Industrial Vision Camera With Python

Is there any industrial computer vision camera that comes with a Python interface, or that has a well developed third-party solution? I have been doing some work using webcams, wh

Solution 1:

Not sure why this has been voted down. Anyway, I'm one of the core simplecv ( developers and use Industrial Cameras everyday. We have integrated support for Allied Vision Cameras, and XIMEA cameras.

If you have the drivers installed it's literally as easy as:

cam = AVTCamera()
cam = Camera('ximea')

As for the XIMEA cameras you need to install the XIMEA camera driver that comes with the software, then build OpenCV with the flag

cmake -DWITH_XIMEA=ON ..

As for Allied Vision, you just need to install the driver and everything should work.

I've tested both USB and CURRERA model of XIMEA's camera and they work. I've also tested on Allied Manta but should work with all their models in theory. It's also using the allied legacy driver. At the time they have recently recently VIMBA which is their new driver, I emailed them as of last week asking when 1.1 is expected as it will include linux support but they said not for a few months. Once they do I will make sure SimpleCV is compatible.

I have not tested on windows either (linux only), but in theory should work on windows as long as drivers are installed.

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