Python - Folium Search Plugin Doesn't Search Popup Text In Markercluster Group Layer
Solution 1:
If you change a little how you add data to the map, it will be easier to use the search bar. You can change the data in your dataframe into a GeoJSON objet. You first need to create a dictionnary for your GeoJSON and use the function folium.GeoJSON()
geo_json = {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [],
for d in df.iterrows():
temp_dict = {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates":[d[1]["longitude"], d[1]["latitude"]],
},"properties": {"name": d[1]["name"]}
geojson_obj = folium.GeoJson(geo_json).add_to(map)
After that, you just need to change a little your code to add the search bar :
servicesearch = Search(
placeholder='Search for a service',
Solution 2:
I have been struggling a while with the same. I believer this might fix it: add a 'name' or whatever you want to be searched to the marker, e.g.:
marker=folium.Marker(location=location, popup=popup, min_width=2000, name=name)
A little late, but better than never, perhaps.
Solution 3:
This is my solution:
defvisualize_locations_with_marker_cluster(df, zoom=4):
f = folium.Figure(width=1000, height=500)
m = folium.Map([center_lat,center_lon], zoom_start=zoom).add_to(f)
marker_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(m)
for d in df.iterrows():
folium.Marker(location=[d[1]["y"], d[1]["x"]], popup=d[1]["company"], name=d[1]["company"]).add_to(marker_cluster)
servicesearch = Search(
placeholder='Search for a service',
return m
First create map, create cluster, loop values in pd.dataframe
and create Mareker
s for Cluster with name
Next create Search
object and add cluster there with search_label="name",
label. Finally add it all back to the map
["x", "y"]
is longtitude and latitude, company
is a search value in my case
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