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Compare Two Python Strings That Contain Numbers

UPDATE: I should have specified this sooner, but not all of the names are simply floats. For example, some of them are 'prefixed' with 'YT'. So for example' YT1.1. so, you have the

Solution 1:

Convert the names to tuples of integers and compare the tuples:

def splittedname(s):
    return tuple(int(x) for x in s.split('.'))

splittedname(s1) > splittedname(s2)

Update: Since your names apparently can contain other characters than digits, you'll need to check for ValueError and leave any values that can't be converted to ints unchanged:

import re

    except ValueError:
        return x

    returntuple(tryint(x) for x in re.split('([0-9]+)', s))

To sort a list of names, use splittedname as a key function to sorted:

>>> names = ['YT4.11', '4.3', 'YT4.2', '4.10', 'PT2.19', 'PT2.9']
>>> sorted(names, key=splittedname)
['4.3', '4.10', 'PT2.9', 'PT2.19', 'YT4.2', 'YT4.11']

Solution 2:

This is not a built-in method, but it ought to work:

>>>deflt(num1, num2):...for a, b inzip(num1.split('.'), num2.split('.')):...ifint(a) < int(b):...returnTrue...ifint(a) > int(b)'4.2', '4.11')
0: True

That can be cleaned up, but it gives you the gist.

Solution 3:

What you're looking for is called "natural sorting". That is opposed to "lexicographical sorting". There are several recipes out there that do this, since the exact output of what you want is implementation specific. A quick google search yields this (note* this is not my code, nor have I tested it):

import re

        return s

    """ Turn a string into a list of string and number chunks.
        "z23a" -> ["z", 23, "a"]
    """return [ tryint(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', s) ]

    """ Sort the given list in the way that humans expect.

Solution 4:

use s1.split(".") to create a list of the items before and after the decimal then sort the list of lists, example:

import random
sheets = list([str(x), str(y)] for x in xrange(1, 5) for y in xrange(0,99))
print sheets
#sheets in order
print sheets
#sheets out of order
print sheets
#sheets back in order

So, you implementation might be:

#assume input sheets is a list of the worksheet names
sheets = list(x.split(".") for x in input_sheets)

Solution 5:

If you know they are real numbers [*] , simply:

>>> float(s1) > float(s2)

[*] Otherwise, be ready to handle a raised ValueError.

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