Selecting Variations Of Phone Numbers Using Regex
import re s = 'so the 1234 2-1-1919 215.777.9839 1333331234 20-20-2000 A1234567 (515)2331129 7654321B (511)231-1134 512-333-1134 7777777 a7727373 there 1-22-2001 *1831 5647
Solution 1:
To put my two cents in, you could use a regex/parser combination as in:
from parsimonious.grammar import Grammar
from parsimonious.expressions import IncompleteParseError, ParseError
import re
junk = """so the 1234 2-1-1919 215.777.9839 1333331234 20-20-2000 A1234567 (515)2331129 7654321B
(511)231-1134 512-333-1134 7777777 a7727373 there 1-22-2001 *1831 5647 and !2783"""
rx = re.compile(r'[-()\d]+')
grammar = Grammar(
phone = area part part
area = (lpar digits rpar) / digits
part = dash? digits
lpar = "("
rpar = ")"
dash = "-"
digits = ~"\d{3,4}"
for match in rx.finditer(junk):
possible_number =
tree = grammar.parse(possible_number)
except (ParseError, IncompleteParseError):
This yields
The idea here is to first match possible candidates which are then checked with the parser grammar.
Solution 2:
Maybe, we could use alternation based on the cases you might have:
We can also include additional boundaries if it'd be necessary:
import re
expression = r"\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}|\(\s*\d{3}\s*\)\d{7}|\(\s*\d{3}\s*\)\s*\d{3}-\d{4}"
string = """
so the 1234 2-1-1919 215.777.9839 1333331234 20-20-2000 A1234567 (515)2331129 7654321B (511)231-1134 512-333-1134 7777777 a7727373 there 1-22-2001 *1831 5647 and !2783 (511) 231-1134 ( 511)231-1134 (511 ) 231-1134
"""print(re.findall(expression, string))
['(515)2331129', '(511)231-1134', '512-333-1134', '(511) 231-1134', '( 511)231-1134', '(511 ) 231-1134']
If you wish to explore/simplify/modify the expression, it's been explained on the top right panel of If you'd like, you can also watch in this link, how it would match against some sample inputs.
RegEx Circuit visualizes regular expressions:
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