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Render Jinja After Jquery Ajax Request To Flask

I have a web application that gets dynamic data from Flask when a select element from HTML is changed. of course that is done via jquery ajax. No probs here I got that. The problem

Solution 1:

Okay, I got it.

Simply, I made an external html file and added the required jinja template to it.

{% forobject in object_list %}
{% endfor %}

then in my Flask file I literally returned the render_template response to the jquery ( which contained the HTML I wanted to append )

objects_from_db = getAllObjects()
return jsonify({'data': render_template('the_temp.html', object_list=objects_from_db)}

And then simply append the HTML from the response to the required div to be updated.

Solution 2:

If you are sending data using json you don't need to use Jinja2. You can simply try something like this:

    option_id = request.form['option_id']
    all_options = models.Content.query.filter_by(id=option_id)
    return jsonify({'data': [ for option in all_options]})

or define a method in your model something like to_json that returns a field or dictionary or ... and call it in your view.

    option_id = request.form['option_id']
    all_options = models.Content.query.filter_by(id=option_id)
    return jsonify({'data': [option.to_json() for option in all_options]})

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