Python Pandas Dataframe Pivot Only Works With Pivot_table() But Not With Set_index() And Unstack()
I am trying to pivot following type of sample data in Pandas dataframe in Python. I came across couple of other stackoverflow answers that discussed how to do the pivot: pivot_tabl
Solution 1:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'unstack'
When you use inplace = True
in set_index
it modified the dataframe in place. It doesn't return anything(None)
. So you can't use unstack
on None
inplace : boolean, default False
Modify the DataFrame in place (do not create a new object)
df1 = pdDF.set_index(['items_id','responseTime','label']).unstack('label')
# Output:
id responseTime category_1 category_2 category_3 category_8
ABC 2018-06-24 [3] [10] [10] NULL
DEF 2018-06-25 [7] NULLNULL [10]
GHI 2018-06-28NULLNULL [7] NULL
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