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Python: Convert 'days Since 1990' To Datetime Object

I have a time series that I have pulled from a netCDF file and I'm trying to convert them to a datetime format. The format of the time series is in 'days since 1990-01-01 00:00:00

Solution 1:

The datetime module's timedelta is probably what you're looking for.

For example:

from datetime import date, timedelta

days = 9465                 # This may work for floats in general, but using integers#   is more precise (e.g. days = int(9465.0))

start = date(1990,1,1)      # This is the "days since" part

delta = timedelta(days)     # Create a time delta object from the number of days

offset = start + delta      # Add the specified number of days to 1990print(offset)               # >>>  2015-12-01print(type(offset))         # >>>  <class ''>

You can then use and/or manipulate the offset object, or convert it to a string representation however you see fit.

You can use the same format as for this date object as you do for your time_datetime:

print(offset.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))


2015-12-01 00:00:00

Instead of using a date object, you could use a datetime object instead if, for example, you were later going to add hours/minutes/seconds/timezone offsets to it.

The code would stay the same as above with the exception of two lines:

# Here, you're importing datetime instead of datefrom datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Here, you're creating a datetime object instead of a date object
start = datetime(1990,1,1)   # This is the "days since" part

Note: Although you don't state it, but the other answer suggests you might be looking for timezone aware datetimes. If that's the case, dateutil is the way to go in Python 2 as the other answer suggests. In Python 3, you'd want to use the datetime module's tzinfo.

Solution 2:

netCDF num2date is the correct function to use here:

import netCDF4

ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset('./', 'r')
time = ncfile.variables['time'] # donot cast to numpy array yet 
time_convert = netCDF4.num2date(time[:], time.units, time.calendar)

This will convert number of days since 1900-01-01 (i.e. the units of time) to python datetime objects. If time does not have a calendar attribute, you'll need to specify the calendar, or use the default of standard.

Solution 3:

We can do this in a couple steps. First, we are going to use the dateutil library to handle our work. It will make some of this easier.

The first step is to get a datetime object from your string (1990-01-01 00:00:00 +10). We'll do that with the following code:

from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.relativedeltaimport relativedelta
import dateutil.parser

days_since = '1990-01-01 00:00:00 +10'
days_since_dt = dateutil.parser.parse(days_since)

Now, our days_since_dt will look like this:

datetime.datetime(1990, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, 36000))

We'll use that in our next step, of determining the new date. We'll use relativedelta in dateutils to handle this math.

new_date = days_since_dt + relativedelta(days=9465.0)

This will result in your value in new_date having a value of:

datetime.datetime(2015, 12, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, 36000))

This method ensures that the answer you receive continues to be in GMT+10.

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